Captain Rex - "Yes sir"- Sweatshirt
Chewbacca-"Arghhhhh" Sweatshirt
Grand Inquisitor-"Frightening Than Death" Sweatshirt
Admiral Ackbar-"Its a trap" Sweatshirt
General Grevious -"Ahhhh" Sweatshirt
Darth Vader -"Braver Than Most" Sweatshirt
Darth Vader "Lack of Faith" Sweatshirt
Luke's "Faith" Sweatshirt
Luke's "Attempt" Sweatshirt
Luke's = "I am a Jedi" Sweatshirt
Qui-Gon "Bring Balance" Sweatshirt
Anakin's "Jedi is evil" -Sweatshirt
Yoda's "Much To Learn" Sweatshirt
Yoda's "Size Matters Not" Sweatshirt
Ben's "Use The Force" Sweatshirt
Ben -"The Force" Sweatshirt
Obi-Wan "Brother" Sweatshirt
Ben's "Last Hope" Sweatshirt
Palpatine-"Power" Sweatshirt
Palpatine-"Choose" Sweatshirt
Palpatine-"Treason" Sweatshirt
Mace Windu - "Lost" Sweatshirt
C3PO - "Fluent" Sweatshirt
C3PO-'Thank the Maker' Sweatshirt